The Duke Ocular Innovation Hub was made possible by the vision and funding provided by Duke School of Medicine alumnus John Karickhoff, MD, a successful ophthalmologist and long time supporter of Duke Eye Center. We are thankful for his generous gift to promote continued innovation at Duke Eye Center.

Education and Accomplishments
Duke Medical School 1960-1964
Duke Internal Medicine internship 1964-1965
Duke Eye Center Resident 1965-1968
He established and endowed the Duke Ocular Innovation Award for residents in 2013.
He raised funds for building the Duke Eye Center's Albert Eye Research Institute and gave the medical address on “Ocular Innovation” for its opening.
Dr. Karickhoff appreciates that receiving a doctor of medicine degree, being on the faculty of Georgetown University Medical School for 55 years, and performing surgery on thousands of people is a noble calling, but none of those activities advanced medicine. Only innovation, by definition, advances the science of medicine and gives something new to humanity.
Dr. Karickhoff has a keen focus on innovation
- The only student in the history of Marshall University to be President of his Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior classes, and President of the Student Body
- Endowed the Duke University Ocular Innovation Award 2013
- Endowed the Georgetown University/Washington Hospital Center Ocular Innovation Award 2018
- Conceived and endowed the Duke Ocular Innovation Hub 2024
- Endowed the ARRL Amateur Radio Innovation Award
- The only researcher in history to produce an innovation or significant advance for each of the 14 parts of the human eye (documented in the literature on Appendix Q)
- Inventor of the Karickhoff Keratoscope for correcting surgical astigmatism (U.S. Patent)
- Inventor of the Anterior Chamber Caliper for sizing intraocular implants (U.S. Patent)
- Designer of the Karickhoff Laser Lens for laser treatment of the retina, used worldwide
- Designer of the Karickhoff Flying Corpuscle Viewer to test macular function when the macula can’t be seen
- The world authority on laser treatment of eye floaters (wrote the first and only book, performed the research to get FDA approval, and designed the surgical lenses used by most of the world’s doctors)
- Designer of four surgical instruments sold worldwide
- Designer of 10 original ophthalmology concepts