About the Program
The mission of the Duke Neuro-Ophthalmology Fellowship program is to develop in trainees a fundamental understanding of neurologic eye diagnosis and management and to promote intellectual curiosity. We are dedicated to the principle that research into disease mechanisms, patient care, and new technologies is the primary method by which we improve the outcomes of our patients​.
Clinical Training
The Duke Neuro-ophthalmology Division fellows care for patients with a wide range of pathology. Fellows see patients in the Duke Eye Center clinics, Duke Hospital, and the adjacent Durham VA Hospital. Duke neuro-ophthalmology fellows are active participants in teaching and mentoring resident trainees.
Successful completion of a residency in Ophthalmology or Neurology by the time of entry into the fellowship
Full North Carolina medical licensure (not a training license; international medical school graduates who do not qualify for a North Carolina Medical license cannot be offered fellowship positions)
Applicants interested in this position should submit applications to Dr. Sidney Gospe (sid.gospe@duke.edu).
Please include:
A personal statement
Curriculum Vitae
A list of at least 3 clinical supervisors who will be submitting letters of recommendation. These letters should be submitted separately via email, directly by the writer
Fellowship for Foreign Nationals
We do not provide immigration sponsorship for Clinical Associates.