Duke Imaging Experts Featured in Retina Today

Duke Eye Center Retina Faculty Ramiro Maldonado, MD, and Vitreoretinal Fellow Nita Valikodath, MD, MS had their article, "Fundus Autofluorescence For IRDs", featured in the April 2023 issue of Retinal Today. In the article, they provide an overview of the use of FAF imaging in various IRDs and how it can be useful in diagnosis and monitoring, even in the early stages of these diseases. 

Read the full article


Vice Chair of Clinic Research, Cynthia Toth, MD was the guest editor of this issue, which focused on "Imaging and Visualization". Toth was also featured on the New Retina Radio Podcast where she interviewed experts to discuss the value of OCT angiography in the retina clinic. 

Listen to the podcast
