Duke Manuals Series

Duke Eye Center is proud to announce the new series The Duke Manuals. This series consists of 5 books, each providing a step-by-step, highly illustrated approach to the most commonly performed operating room procedures and boasts online video content, covering 5 subspecialties. 

In each manual, Duke faculty, fellows, and alumni around the country provide surgical pearls available to surgeons, ophthalmology residents, retina fellows, and OR nurses and scrub techs maximize their surgical goals. Sharon Fekrat, MD, FACS serves as the Chief Editor of the series. 

Series manuals: 
The Duke Manual of Vireoretinal Surgery - now available
Editors: Sharon Fekrat, MD, FACS, Avni Patel Finn, MD, MBA, Akshay S. Thomas, MD, MS
Illustrations are provided by Xi Chen, MD, PhD
The Duke Manual of Oculoplastic Surgery - now available
Editors - Michael Richard, MD, Jason Liss, MD, Nicholas Ramey, MD, 
The Duke Manual of Pedatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Surgery - now available
Editors - Laura B Enyedi, MD, Nandini Ghandi, MD, Tammy Yanovitch, MD, MHSc
The Duke Manual of Glaucoma Surgery - available soon
Editors - Divakar Gupta, MD, Leon Herndon, MD, Kelly Muir, MD
The Duke Manual of Cornea ad Cataract Surgery - available soon
Editors - Preeya Gupta, MD
