Duke Ophthalmic Technician Program Expands to Offer Additional Session

The Duke Ophthalmic Technician Program, a certificate program offered through the Duke University School of Medicine, has expanded and is now offering two 51-week sessions each year.  The 2019 classes being on January 2 and July 5. 

We are currently accepting applications for both sessions. The deadline for the January session to be considered for financial aid, is November 9, 2018 and December 1, 2018 for all others.  

Ophthalmic Technicians are highly valuable members of the eye care team, as they initiate exams, measure and record visual status, perform diagnostic procedures and assist in clinical and surgical settings.  Ophthalmologists rely heavily on the work of an Ophthalmic Technician, who is typically the first eye care team provider a patient interacts with during their visit. Certification in this field is internationally recognized, and provides a strong foundation for a variety of opportunities and careers in ophthalmology.

For more information about becoming an Ophthalmic Technician, and the application requirements, visit this page
