Duke Researchers Appointed Vice Chairs

Duke Eye Center is proud to report that Cynthia Toth, MD has been appointed Vice Chair for Clinical Research. Toth specializes in the evaluation and surgical treatment of vitreoretinal diseases in infants, children and adults, and in novel research resulting in the clinical application of optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging in surgery and at the bedside. She brings a wealth of experience to the position and is passionate about taking the Duke Ophthalmology research programs to the next level.

In addition Dan Stamer, PhD and Vadim Arshavsky, PhD will take on the roles of Co-Vice Chairs for Basic Science Research. Both are accomplished scientists who will help chart a future path for our basic science program. Arshavsky studies cellular pathologies that cause loss of vision in patients suffering from inherited retinal degenerations. His research explores therapeutic approaches that would prevent the disease or reverse its progression. Stamer is looking for new ways to control high eye pressure, which may lead to glaucoma and blindness.

Join us in congratulating these well-deserving researchers on their new roles!
