WIO Recognizes Duke Expert Talent

Women in Ophthalmology is hosting a series of Clinical Trials Training Webinars with the goal to increase the number of women ophthalmologists in research.

Join Lejla Vazjovic, MD, FASRS as moderator, presenter Sarah Jones, MS, CCRC, Duke Eye Center CRU Practice manager, and colleagues for "The Great Resignation: The Current Clinical Research Challenges and Solutions" on Wednesday, June 27 at 4 p.m.

A one-of-a-kind comprehensive program that demonstrates step-by-step the process of successfully adding clinical trials to a practice. This session will cover how staffing shortages, known as The Great Resignation, impact clinical research and how to combat the challenges. 



Nita Valikodath, MD has been selected to received a WinR Mentoring Program Travel Grant for the 2022 Women in Ophthalmology (WIO) Meeting in Monterey, California.

Nita Valikdodath, MD

