Global Ophthalmology Team

We Can Make a Difference  

Participating in global missions is a point of personal and professional pride for Duke Ophthalmology team members — and an unforgettable experience that impacts not only their careers and lives forever, but also the lives of those they meet and work with through these missions. 

Duke ophthalmology experts have delivered eye care to children and adults in underserved areas of the world facing widespread conditions such as glaucoma and cataracts, and have addressed complex, region-specific challenges such as complications from Ebola and Zika. These encounters often mark the first time that residents have seen an ophthalmologist, even for the most common and treatable eye ailments. 

To learn more about the Duke Ophthalmology International Program and explore ways you can help, contact Ari Gauss, executive director of development, at 919-385-3128 or

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Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Division Chief - Glaucoma
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, Division Chief Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology