Faculty Promotion Announcement

We are pleased to announce several faculty promotions for the Department of Ophthalmology that were approved at the August 25, 2017 Board of Trustees meeting.  We are proud of our faculty's outstanding accomplishments. 

Paloma Borrajo Liton, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, with tenure. This is a special accomplishment indicating exceptional academic and scholarly contributions, positive peer evaluations, and a national reputation in her field.

Mays Antoine El-Dairi, MD, promoted to Associate Professor of Ophthalmology

Preeya Kshettry Gupta, MD, promoted to Associate Professor of Ophthalmology

Eleonora Georgeta Lad, MD, PhD promoted to Associate Professor of Ophthalmology

Jullia Ann Rosdahl, MD, PhD promoted to Associate Professor of Ophthalmology


