Farsiu Lab Open Positions

There are occasional openings for talented undergraduate/graduate engineering or computer science student interns to collaborate on a variety of medical image processing and computer vision projects.  These projects are in collaboration with DARSI lab headed by Prof. Cynthia A. Toth, MD and the laboratory of biophotonics in the biomedical engineering department, headed by Prof. Joseph A. Izatt, PhD. 
The successful candidate will participate in the analysis, design, implementation, and testing of the lab's medical image enhancement/analysis software. The ideal candidate has some programming skills in one or more of the following languages: C, C++, Java, and MATLAB. Experience in image/signal processing and/or medical imaging is desired.  
Part time students, for some projects, are financially compensated on hourly basis. For other projects, the student receives independent study credit. Please note that no financial compensation is available for the independent study projects.
Full-time students who will join our laboratory as PhD student will be fully compensated for tuition and stipend. Top students applying to Duke University for PhD studies in 2010 and are interested in image processing, are encouraged to directly contact Dr. Farsiu.
Please send an email (with attached resume) to Dr. Sina Farsiu (sina.farsiu@duke.edu).