Club Jules Gonin represents the leaders in ophthalmology and scientific progress in vitreoretinal
education and advancements.
The club meets every two years to address needs in ophthalmology and exchange vital
knowledge and innovative ideas regarding vitreoretinal research.
At the XXX1st Meeting of the Club Jules Gonin, Duke Eye Center’s Lejla Vajzovic, MD was
honorably inducted as a member.
Before an ophthalmologist becomes a member, they must first become a candidate. In order to
become a candidate for membership, the applicant has several responsibilities, such as sending
their curriculum vitae with three endorsements from members of the club to the secretariat
and have at least five recent publications in vitreoretinal subjects in Medline listed journals with
senior authorship during the past 10 years.
Once accepted as a candidate by the Executive Committee, the candidate must give at least one
oral presentation at a meeting within four years. After the presentation, the committee can
propose a candidate for membership of the club.
We recognize the feat Vajzovic has accomplished and are proud to have her on our team.